Provoking critical thinking isn’t the same thing as taking choice away.
Stop Having Kids Is Anti-Choice Refuted
SHK has always been, and continues to be pro-choice: We believe that everyone should be able to decide what they do with their life and their body as long as they aren’t intentionally harming others. It is possible to be pro-choice while simultaneously acknowledging that some choices are far more responsible and compassionate than others, like the choice to opt out of procreation rather than opting in. SHK would never advocate for any type of rights restriction or infringement of bodily autonomy, even though we strongly do not believe that anyone should bring another person into existence.
We’ve received hate for this stance from supposedly “pro-life” people (including “pro-life” vegans and antinatalists) and a lot of disagreement from a small portion of antinatalists who would prefer to prevent procreation through the removal of choice. In our view, bodily autonomy is an absolute right, and included in that right is being able to decide what we do with our reproductive systems. Overall, we want people to make the choice to opt out of procreation by their own volition, not due to some type of mandate, manipulation, or coercion.
Our pro-choice stance is clear throughout our website and outreach material. SHK does not use, and will never attempt to use, force, coercion, or restriction of rights to get people to stop having kids. Almost half of the US states have already or will soon make abortion inaccessible (15 states will not have exceptions for rape or incest), restricting someone’s right to bodily autonomy and medical freedom, which we are vehemently opposed to. We are pro-abortion rights and our goals are to help normalize adoption, fostering, elective sterilization, and childfreedom. We want people to know that procreation is not an obligation and that they have more choices than they may realize. Additionally, we want people to seriously consider the major and irreversible implications of bringing someone into existence.