Become A Stop Having Kids Activist

Join The One-Of-A-Kind Social Evolution Movement That Truly Strives For The Betterment Of All Life On Earth

Start Or Join A Stop Having Kids Group In Your Area

There are people from all walks of life who believe that humans should think critically and compassionately about procreation and ultimately abstain from creating new life. Respectful people from all walks of life, including parents, are welcome to join outreach demonstrations or start their own. As long as you agree with and would like to spread the main messages of Stop Having Kids you are welcome to join this movement, no matter where you are from.

Getting Active

We have many different printable options for anyone who is interested in Getting Active, such as signs, flyers, and handout cards. We will continuously have more to offer in the future.

Any questions about getting involved can be emailed to

Current Cities With SHK Activism:

Philadelphia, PA | Pittsburgh, PA | Asheville, NC | San Francisco, CA | Minneapolis, MN | Toronto, ON | Kolkata, India

We Encourage Giving Back

Part of our goal is to help already existing humans, other animals, and places. There are countless ways to do this.

We encourage those who participate in SHK activism to help keep up with our message that we should voluntarily look out for already existing life and lead by example.

Some suggestions include having giveaway boxes at some outreach events with food and other essentials (please all vegan-friendly) for the local community and mobile or stand-alone food drives for the homeless or public in general. These suggestions are optional, but appreciated.

Food and other goods that can be diverted from ending up in a landfill or composting should be prioritized when and wherever possible by purchasing from grocery liquidators and getting donations from restaurants, bakeries, etc.

In addition to (or instead of) donating food to people we can do garbage cleanups—picking garbage up from streets, parks, trails, beaches, etc.