Norms Should Evolve. SHK Wants To Normalize Antinatalism, Childfreedom, & Prioritizing Already Existing Life Over The Unconceived.
Wouldn’t it be great for compassion and consideration for ourselves and others to be the norm?
Stop Having Kids acknowledges that there is an unconscionable amount of needless suffering, injustice, and death in the world—with birth serving as the catalyst for it all. As a result, it is a moral imperative that we strive to prevent (not through coercion, pressure, or force) as many new lives as possible. We advocate for focusing time, energy, and resources that would have otherwise been allocated towards supporting new life into caring for and improving the lives of already existing individuals and places. Many people already support the concept of “adopt don’t shop” for companion animals: We believe in extending that principle to humans and other animals as well, taking care of those who the world already has, rather than breeding new lives into the world.
Our goal as a small antinatalist and pro-choice movement is to publicize the often overlooked and misinterpreted antinatalist philosophy and childfree lifestyle through a multi-layer approach. These tactics include encouraging advocacy (e.g., outreach demonstrations), supplying free downloads, occasional advertising and tabling, and having thought-provoking messages to use for sparking dialogue, critical thinking, curiosity, reflection, validation, and positive change.
All societies and cultures heavily encourage and promote having kids (rather than caring for already existing lives and mitigating harm). We, as a very small movement, are trying to do what we can to disrupt the long-term detrimental buildup of social pressure to conform to unconsidered traditions, behaviors, and ways of thinking and living that don’t take the implications of existence seriously enough or seriously at all. We want to inspire people to question acquiescing to all societal norms and expectations, especially the norm and expectation of procreation. We want people to understand that procreation is an ability, not an obligation, and that everyone has a right and valid reasons to not create more humans and force more living beings into existence. We promote living authentically, fearlessly, confidently, honestly, thoughtfully, and compassionately. We seek to promote social evolution with positive messages and actions that can lead to higher quality living and a better planet for all.
Getting To The Root Of All The Issues
Global and interpersonal issues become larger and tougher to mitigate as human populations relentlessly expand. The seminal root of all human-derived issues is the fact that humans are born to perpetuate these problems and/or to become victims to these problems in the first place.
There are thousands of organizations in existence that ostensibly seek major change, if not an end, to a whole host of human-caused harms and injustices. Do any of these organizations acknowledge the initial source of the issues they claim to condemn? No.
Considering our human nature, history, and exhaustless inability to come anywhere near eliminating any widespread human-caused issues (e.g. slavery, child and intimate partner abuse, nonhuman animal use/abuse, sexual assault, war, substance abuse, overconsumption, racism, misogyny, homophobia, eugenics, pandemics, environmental destruction), we think it’s about time that humans come to terms with reality, and accept that these impenetrable life-destroying issues aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. This doesn’t mean we should give up trying to better our world; it means we need to stop pretending that human procreation isn’t a harmless act that doesn’t perpetuate deeply negative aspects of society. We must acknowledge that it is cruel to bring someone into a world with such overwhelming and unspeakable cruelty.
A World Where Humans Prioritize Caring For & Improving The Lives Of Individuals Who Are Already Here
Antinatalism / Childfree Living / Contraception / Adoption / Gender Role Nonconformity
Parenthood Regret / Elective Sterilization / Abortion / Childlessness / Open & Honest Dialogue
Struggling Individuals / Organizations Improving The Lives Of Individuals (Humans & Other Animals)
Our Values
Radical Honesty
We are of the opinion that through honesty with ourselves and with others, we can begin to acknowledge problems and offer solutions.
Unwavering Integrity
We are devoted to committing and staying true to ethical principles, professionalism, and selflessness, allowing us to work towards a better world even when our opinions are unpopular, misunderstood, mocked, trivialized, or demonized.
Embracing Change
We believe in embracing change so that we can adopt and spread ways of living more authentically, intelligently, and with more fulfillment. This includes identifying where we are cognitively dissonant and seeking to correct in the pursuit of personal and collective growth—regardless of emotional resistance.
Fighting For Equity
When we reject hierarchies and false notions of supremacy, we can begin treating all humans and other living beings with the basic respect, decency, and regard they all deserve. We seek to disseminate knowledge, individuality, resources, and empowerment so that people may lead wiser, more authentic, less destructive, and higher quality lives.
Conscious Consumerism
We choose companies that do not profit off the enslavement or utter debasement of anyone (humans and other animals). While we acknowledge consumerism under capitalism creates its own subset of harm, to minimize harm by living in a capitalistic society, we promote conscious consumerism with powerful and pressing messages as well as free downloads for all of our designs.
We support choosing lifestyles, habits, behaviors, and materials that minimize harm toward the environment, promote enduring resource security, and are considerate of all living beings. We adopt these principles as fundamental to our cause.
Thank you for taking the time to read our values.
SHK is not affiliated with any social media pages besides the official pages that are linked on our website.