Our messages don’t magically convince people to stop having kids. Our messages make people put thought into the idea of having kids.
Stop Having Kids Will Lead To The Extinction of Humanity Refuted
It’s absurd to think that a small grassroots movement will convince 8 billion people to stop procreating. We present our position, opinions, and facts to show that the most responsible choice is to opt out of procreation and to prioritize already existing life. We leave it up to people to make their own choices; no force, no coercion, no mandates. How can anyone think 8 billion humans will collectively choose to boycott procreation, just from our amplifying of the antinatalist message? We’re honored that our detractors think we are so powerful, but we are quite aware of our relative smallness within the context of the entire human species. Hypothetically, if humans did collectively choose to embrace human extinction by ways of non-procreation, it would be staggered, allowing humanity to prepare and adjust systems to help ensure a peaceful exit for all, rather than a violent, chaotic, and ugly end, which is what unintentional human extinction would likely lead to.
One can make the argument that too much procreation will lead us towards extinction, not farther away from it. There have been extinction events in the past, but they were all driven by natural forces such as asteroids and volcanoes, not caused by the harmful activities of an animal species. Human activity, however, has created what’s known as the anthropocene, or the sixth mass extinction event. The human population has doubled since 1970 and we are causing species die-offs far more rapidly than ever before. Since 1970, we’ve seen a 68% decline in wild animal species population due to human activities such as agriculture, hunting, chemicals, and fossil fuels. We are not immune to extinction ourselves and we are creating a colossal mess that’s building a pathway towards our own inevitable extinction. The earth is at least 4.5 billion years old, however, this is the first time that such a mass extinction event has been caused by a single species, a species with awareness of its actions, and with the ability to make essential preventative and alternative changes.
Humanity has been around for about 200,000 years, a small blip relative to earth’s existence, but the amount of damage we’ve caused as a species, especially within the last 100+ years, is adversely affecting current generations and will continue to have far-reaching and disastrous impacts for future generations. If we continue to move forward with our increasing rate of procreation, while simultaneously consuming at the consistently accelerated rate of the past 100 years, the extinction of the human species will be violent, painful, torturous, and inevitable.
SHK encouraging non-procreation will not be the catalyst for the extinction of the human species; over-procreation, over-extraction, overconsumption, unfulfilled promises, and disregard for nature and sentient life is what will continue to push humanity towards its demise.