Tristan’s Childfree Story

Here's my story!

I got into a car accident when I was 26 after getting my second covid vaccine- a different car lost a wheel, the wheel crossed over the median, and the wheel hit my windshield. We were on the highway too.

I ended up with a severe TBI (traumatic brain injury), broke my nose, and two vertebrae.

TBIs are different for every individual. Mine resulted in relearning how to speak, walk, balance, move, and a severe DAI (diffuse axonal injury) which basically means a large number of nerves have to be retaught how to do basic movements again. No personality or behavioral effects.

My injury was in 2021, so I'm three years out as I write this. I've relearned how to speak, but have to relearn how to walk and do a bunch of basic everyday skills. The walking is coming slowly because it incorporates balance.

I'm just glad I was childfree before this shindig and still remain so. I can spend all my time on me and only me—which I need to relearn how to walk and do everyday things. I read things about other people with TBIs and kids, and regardless they seem to be slower with whatever their TBI gave them. I have no idea how fast I'll move along but I feel like I'm doing pretty well—because I don't have kids!