Anonymous Childfree Story

My name is Anonymous, 60 years old now. I am from the Philly suburbs, born into an upper middle class family. My mom might have aborted me if it were more acceptable then in 1964.

I was an adventurous, impulsive teenager and very liberated in the 80s.

I saw how awful people tended to be as I hung out on the streets trying to find the love and acceptance missing at home, although my parents were actually very caring to the max, but still something was missing. 

I made the decision at age 15 not to have kids. My dad was bipolar and I was a lot like him. I was having a horrible time in high school, drugs and depression. 

I aborted one baby when I was age 16 and one at age 19. It was legal in PA and accessible, affordable to me at the time.

The father of the 1st fetus ended up imprisoned at times and could be considered bad news. It's just how he was, I don't know him presently. 

The 2nd father died of AIDs in the 90s sometime.

I now see an extremely challenging world, worse than I imagined back then. People struggle to eat and pay rent. In general, in the US, women don't get much support from the companies they work for.  

I am very happy i chose not to have kids. I have gotten to travel, marry, break up, be responsible for only myself, had a career. I have some family and a few people I can call friends.  No regrets whatsoever.

I also have an amazing gerbil🙂, another loner I got to rescue from the pet store.

Yes. It's a smart way to be, childless. There are 8 billion people on our planet and so much imbalance. Let's take care of who is here and our Mother Earth.