We envision a future where creating biological children is no longer an expectation or something people do without thoughtful consideration. We want a world where those with the desire and means to care for others prioritize supporting existing humans and other animals in need, rather than bringing new lives into the world. In this future, living childfree is recognized as a legitimate, morally neutral choice, free from stigma and judgment.


Humans Opt For Procreation For Their Own Benefit, Not For The Benefit Of Their Child.

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Some Of The Top Reasons Humans Choose To Have Biological Children:

  • Give purpose, meaning, and happiness to one’s life

  • Haven’t considered an alternative

  • Have someone they believe will provide care and companionship for them when they are older

  • Save a failing relationship

  • Boredom with existence

  • Desire to relive childhood

  • Longing to be unconditionally loved

  • To satisfy the expectations or desires of others

  • Continue one’s legacy, genetics, bloodline, family name

  • To have an extension of oneself

  • To feel a sense of immortality

  • Create a fantasized happy family

  • Fit in with others who have kids

  • Fulfill a traditional gender role

  • For labor or profit potential

  • To have a miniature version of themselves or someone to control and possess

  • To have someone who is cute and adorable

  • Fear of regretting not having kids

People Often Do Not Stop To Question Having Children Before Opting To Procreate.

We want to change that by ensuring people consider the option of not reproducing as a valid, rational, responsible, and ethical choice.

We Can Choose To End The Cycle Of Needless Suffering + Help Those Who Already Exist.


There's no shortage of already existing humans and other living beings in need of rescue, stability, safe and loving homes, and many other forms of support.



We seek to normalize not having kids by respectful means that honor bodily autonomy and individuality.


Where Is The Harm, Unfairness, Or Deprivation In Never Coming Into This World?

Anti-Force. Unapologetically Antinatalist.

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We Ought To Be Less Reckless And Selfish

Humans have an inherent right to choose whether or not to have children. However, we advocate for a world where this decision is made with careful reflection, questioning whether the motives are self-serving and whether bringing another human into existence is truly a sound choice. While humans and other animals share a birthright to bodily autonomy and reproduction, should we impose existence on others when there is no consent, desire, or unselfish need for them to be born? Furthermore, there is no harm or deprivation in never existing—if any of us were never born, we wouldn't even know the difference.

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We Ought To Consider Future Problems

We believe it’s more considerate for humans not to come into a world where they will face severe, avoidable problems, as well as contribute to issues that threaten all life and ecosystems. Each additional human brings uncertainty, with no guarantees. We argue that the reasons for having children are inherently selfish (except in cases of force) and that having children is both unethical and irrational—despite birth being a natural process. For those with the means, maturity, and desire to care for others, the priority should be supporting existing life in need—humans, other animals, and nature—making this the norm.

Can We Create Humans For Reasons That Aren’t Selfish?

Creating More Humans

Is An Ability,

Not An Obligation.

People are often pressured and expected to have kids. We want people to know that it’s their decision to own and nobody else’s business if they opt out of imposing existence onto new vulnerable life.