We want a future where creating biological children is no longer an expectation, a norm, a perceived default, or something most people casually do without putting substantial thought and investigation into. We want a future where those who have the desire and means to care for others than themselves decide to prioritize taking care of and supporting deprived humans and other animals who already exist. We want a future where those who choose to live a childfree lifestyle are able to easily do so and are not stigmatized, attacked, or questioned for their morally neutral choice to not create new humans.
Where Is The Harm, Unfairness, Or Deprivation In Never Coming Into This World?
People Often Do Not Stop To Question Having Children Before Opting To Procreate.
We want to change that by ensuring people consider the option of not reproducing as a valid, rational, responsible, and ethical choice.
We aren’t directly stopping people in any way from having kids. We believe that ALL humans should voluntarily stop creating more humans, not that all humans should be forced to stop creating more humans. We advocate for abstaining from procreation as much as possible and opting to take care of who we already have. We seek to normalize not having kids by respectful means that honor bodily autonomy and individuality.
We Can Choose To End The Cycle Of Needless Suffering + Help Those Who Already Exist.
There's no shortage of already existing humans and other living beings in need of rescue, stability, safe and loving homes, and many other forms of support.
Let’s minimize our harm and maximize our goodwill and solidarity with living beings and the planet.
Anti-Force. Unapologetically Antinatalist.
We Ought To Be Less Reckless And Selfish
Humans inherently have a bodily right to choose to have kids or to choose not to have kids, but we seek a world in which people ponder the decision and question if their motives are selfish and if birthing another human is a sound idea. All humans and other animals have an inherent birthright to bodily autonomy and reproduction—but should we force others into existence when we know there is no consent, desire, or unselfish need for the unborn to come into the world? Further, we know there’s no deprivation, harm, or unfairness in never existing. If any of us were never born we wouldn’t even know the difference.
We Ought To Consider Future Problems
We think it’s best and most considerate for humans to not come into existence, which for them will be facing serious and severe problems (that could have been avoided) and exacerbating problems that threaten all life and ecosystems on Earth. Each additional human is a gamble with no guarantees. We believe there are no reasons for having children that aren’t selfish (besides through force) and that having children is unethical and irrational—despite the fact that birth is a natural process. For those who have the means, maturity, and desire to care for life other than oneself, already existing life that’s in need (humans, other animals, and nature) should be the priority, as well as the norm.
Pro-Choice, But Prioritizing Existing Lives Over Potential Lives Is The Superior Choice.
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Check Out The Typical Misconceptions About SHK
Antinatalism Takes Harm Prevention Seriously
Suffering Is Unavoidable
Should we not use our power to prevent needless suffering?
Existing Life Needs Us
Billions of humans and other animals desperately need help.
You Sure You Want Kids?
Why force others into a world in which you continually escape?